var popunder = true; The Big C of Search Engine Marketing - Conversion

Sunday 2 December 2012

The Big C of Search Engine Marketing - Conversion

Probably it happened one night, while a group of geniuses were enjoying drinks in a pub exclusively open for SEO professionals, when someone popped the million dollar question: "So, what do we do with web traffic?" And probably, in a collective Eureka moment, the entire place erupted in unison: "Conversion!"

While the story above is purely fiction, conversion optimization services are not. Search engine marketing companies are now not only held liable to bring traffic to websites, but compelling site visitors to take action that is favorable to a particular business. In a nutshell, conversion optimization services are strategies and tactics that online marketers employ to prompt website visitors take action that directly fulfills one of more of their business objectives.

Fortunately, conversion optimization services are not built around rocket sciences. These strategies and tactics are anchored on age old marketing principles tailor fitted for the online audience.

Calls-to-Action that Stand Out

"Order now while supplies last." "Avail of your free trial today." "Call within the next three hours and get amazing discounts!" These are all examples of calls-to-action or CTAs. It's basically a one-liner used by search engine marketing companies to tell audience what to do. When someone responds to your call to action, then you have basically achieved conversion.

CTAs play a crucial role in the success of any conversion optimization services. They should be crisp, clear, compelling and direct to the point. In your landing page, make sure that your CTA occupies a prominent spot and that it pops out visually to capture the web visitors' attention.

Less is More

Using sign up forms is one of the basic ways you can get information from your web visitors and later on, you can use the data in coming up with strategies and tactics that can fuel conversion optimization services. It's always best to incentivize your audience when they opt to accomplish your sign up form. It's a great way of creating a good first impression and also a great customer service tool to encourage repeat visitors.

However, keep in mind that no likes to fill out a lengthy sign up form that is asking for tons of information. It has never worked before when it was done using pen and paper and even today in the digital age, it still won't work. Keep it short and sweet. Keep it simple. And if you're going to ask for personal data such as email addresses, be sure to protect their sanctity to prevent intrusion.

Developing a Lust for Trust

Let's admit it. Despite all the security measures that have been put into place, search engine marketing companies know that the Internet is still a dubious place. Deception is much easier to perform online than offline.

With that being said, trust plays a central role in the success of conversion optimization services and your landing page or other high converting web pages should have trust indicators in them. This can include icons of third party groups that vouch for the integrity of your site. Probably the easiest way to get the trust of internet users is through the testimonials of others who have tried your products/services or those who have heeded to your CTA.

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