var popunder = true; All About Lead Lined Products

Sunday 2 December 2012

All About Lead Lined Products

Lead lined products and rooms are of such great importance in today's society. Lead linings are used the country over in countless facilities such as within hospitals and private clinical in order to provide medical radiation shielding. They are also used in construction and defence and help to protect people and the environment from harmful rays.

Radiation protection has to be taken extremely seriously from medical to industrial and even to defence situations there is an application for lead radiation shielding. When one visits the hospital with a suspected broken bone or suchlike, we never take the time to think of how we are protected from harmful radiation overdoses. Lead lined doors are just one of the measures which are taken by the medical profession in order to keep both staff and patients safe. These are available to be manufactured to the needs of the facility and will therefore be a perfect fit with no leakages.

The importance of radiation protection

Radiation whether we like it or not is a necessity in our modern lives. There is no reason why any of us should be exposed to worrying levels or this now that there is radiation shielding available. Without radiation and advances in technology healthcare, defence and industries such as construction would be left in the dark ages. This is why it is so very important to be protected now and to continue to make the advances in work and healthcare which we have been for many years.

Radiation protection is so very important as if an individual working near a radiation source is left unprotected, this can cause damaging and irreversible changes to the body. Overexposure to high levels increases the likelihood of contracting all manner of tumours and cancers too. Another problem with overexposure is that it can bring on radiation sickness and nasty skin burns too.


  • Lead building products are often used within the construction industry. These can be bespoke and include decorative lead fixings, lead pipe shielding and lead sheets. With the advances in technology a solution can be mad and found to suit any radiation issue. Also lead is a highly economical material which delivers in the long term and is resistant to corrosion.

  • Healthcare workers and their patients can be kept safe from harmful rays due to lead radiation shielding. This covers vetinary, dental and also medical fields.

  • In nuclear power facilities the need for lead shielding is intense. Powerful gamma and neutron radiation needs to be contained where it can do no harm. This extends also to protecting the environment around nuclear plants along with any transportation needed in order to move radioactive materials around

  • With regards to the defence industry, many lead products are used from lead shielding to lead wool and lead bricks. Many submarines are nuclear powered and due to the fact that they are submerged for long periods at a time, radiation shielding has to be strong and robust.

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