var popunder = true; Prime OCR Review

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Prime OCR Review

Prime Recognition's award winning production OCR product, PrimeOCR was originally released in 1995.  PrimeOCR is a Windows NT OCR engine that reduces OCR error rates by up to 65-80% over conventional OCR by implementing "Voting" OCR technology.
PrimeOCR reduces overall OCR processing costs by reducing the total number of errors generated from OCR and providing a level of reliability not available with other OCR engines.

PrimeOCR Job Server screenshot
PrimeOCR Job Server
(click on image for larger image)
PrimeOCR produces fewer errors
Today's best OCR engines are only achieving, on average, 98% accuracy, when recognizing typical quality images.  On a typical page of 2000 characters, that means that 40 errors remain in the OCR output.
By using PrimeOCR, error rates can be reduced by 65-80%.  This means that the 40 errors generated by today's OCR engines can be drastically reduced to 8 by using PrimeOCR.
PrimeOCR saves time and money
Although you may pay more for PrimeOCR, the total system and operating costs are much lower by using PrimeOCR.
In some OCR intensive applications, manual error correction cost, including manual labor, and verification workstations, can often be 50-70% of the total image system costs.  By reducing the need for error correction, PrimeOCR saves costs associated with annual/project manual error correction labor, capital investment.
PrimeOCR produces cleaner data
Not only does PrimeOCR reduce the total number of errors during OCR, but it also reduces the total number of errors that make it into your database or final application by 75%.
Only 40-60% of errors generated by standard OCR software are "flagged" for correction.  Since manual error correction typically only looks at flagged errors, this means that up to 60% of the errors produced by the OCR software are not reviewed and remain in the OCR data.  PrimeOCR generates more accurate suspicious character "flags" reducing the total number of errors that remain in the data after processing.
The PrimeOCR Job Server - Production level reliability image processing
The PrimeOCR Job Server provides flexibility and dependability to process a large array of OCR processing options and a level of reliability to process thousands of images without error.  Each job defines the images to process, any pre/post OCR processing options required, and the type of output.  The OCR Job Server queues the jobs for batch processing, and displays completed job statistics for effective batch management.
All Prime Recognition products are designed for easy installation, simple operation, reliable processing, and are scalable to match your OCR throughput requirements.  Within minutes of installation, the PrimeOCR Job Server is generating high accuracy output.  
Ever plan to process thousands of images overnight only to find out in the morning that the OCR engine crashed on a poor quality image?  PrimeOCR's NT's automatic engine recovery feature automatically senses when an engine fails and automatically re-initializes it for the next image.  This level of software reliability eliminates downtime and mandatory manual intervention during OCR processing.  Operating efficiencies are realized by implementing PrimeOCR into your imaging system.
By leveraging PrimeOCR's features, customers reduce OCR errors from image processing, and gain efficiencies in production imaging systems.
Interested in improving OCR accuracy in your imaging system, or having problems with your current system crashing during batch processing?  Let us show you how PrimeOCR can impact your conversion operations.  Give PrimeOCR a try.
PrimeOCR - fast AND accurate
PrimeOCR can be set up in a mode called "selective voting".  In this mode PrimeOCR offers the best of both worlds, the high speed of conventional OCR when you can afford it, and the high accuracy of Prime Recognition's technology when you need it.
PrimeOCR automatically identifies the quality of documents. On clean documents, PrimeOCR will only run one engine, on lower quality documents PrimeOCR will run multiple engines and vote the results. Selective voting is configurable by the user, you decide when to run more engines. This flexibility offers a number of advantages. For example, you may wish to vote less often because you need higher throughput to finish your job for an upcoming deadline, or you may "turn up" voting because this project is for a customer who is more demanding of OCR accuracy.
PrimeOCR can address your throughput requirements while addressing high accuracy OCR needs.

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