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Monday 30 September 2013

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Friday 27 September 2013

Android 7 inch tablet only at 2499

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Thursday 26 September 2013

Taste first blood with CBR 150R

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Friday 6 September 2013

My first web site in

With MS Visual Studio installed, we're ready to create our first ASP.NET website. In VS, this is very easy. Open the File menu and select "New Web Site". You will be presented with the following dialog:

You need to select "ASP.NET Web Site", if it's not already selected. You should also name your new site. This is done by entering a name in the Location box. This text box is probably already filled for you, with the last part being something like "Website1". You can choose to accept this, as well as the location of the project, or you can enter a new one, like I did. I have created a folder, "My Websites", and within this folder, I would like to create the new project with the name of "FirstWebSite". For now, this is less important, but later on you might wish to gather all your projects in a specific folder.

This tutorial will focus on the C# language. Once again, no knowledge of this is required, so if you already know another .NET language, you will get to learn some C# with this tutorial as well. Select C# in the Language dropdown. Now, click the Ok button to create this new website.

VS will create a very basic website for you, consisting only of a Default.aspx file (and it's partner, the Default.aspx.cs file) and an App_Data folder. I will explain this later, but for now, just accept the fact that they are there. We will only use the Default.aspx for this first example. Move on to the next chapter, for the obligatory "Hello, world!" example.

Lectures on the History of Physics

1. Introduction
As a start, I would like to point out to you a few things which might explain my interest in history and philosophy in general. You have all heard the slogan "Two Cultures," the contrast and conflict between sciences on one hand and art on the other. However, in Hungary, where I come from, there was only "One Culture." The Hungarian word for science is "tudomány." It corresponds to the word "Wissenschaft" in German. These expressions designate one, all-embracing science, including everything from mathematics to music. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has, at present, eight sections: languages, literary sciences, social and historical sciences, mathematics and physics, agricultural sciences, technical sciences, chemistry and biology, and a section on musical folklore under the well-know composer Zoltán Kodály, who recently visited this country and taught in a music summer school at Dartmouth College. Incidentally, we have also in our country at least one institution, the American Academy of Arts and Science, which emphasizes the union, rather than the contrast, between Arts and Science. However, as you know, this is an exception. Our National Academy of Science is concerned only with science, but not with the arts.
My interest in philosophy of science was kindled by Poincaré's books. It was reinforced by the requirement for the Ph.D. degree in Vienna, which included philosophy. My finals consiswted of two one-hour exams in physics, which was my major, a single one-hour exam in mathematics, my minor, and two one-hour exams in philosophy. These requirements forced one to study philosophy and to consider science in general, physical and mathematics in particular, in a more general context.
I managed somehow to take both one-hour exams in philosophy of science, since I had a sort of allergy to some parts of traditional philosophy. Fortunately, a friend of mine, Herbert Feigl, who is now a distinguished philosopher of science himself (Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Minnesota) tutored me. This way I did not have to read voluminous books on traditional philosophy.
One of the philosophers who examined me was M. Schlick. He was the founder of the "Vienna Circle" of logical positivists, also called logical empiricists. This direction goes back to Hume, Comte, and Mach. The circle had weekly sessions on philosophy of science, which were very interesting, but sometimes quite baffling, to me then. For example, there was a discussion about a book by Herman Weyl, "Was ist Materie" (What is Matter). There was an expression "es gibt" (there is). I remember a spirited discussion about the possible meaning of that expression. Being a young student of science, I did not at that time appreciate the significance of such semantic discussions. Later on, I realized that the precise meaning of statements in philosophy can be very important. Still, I always remembered a saying by Goethe in "Faust": "Wo die Begriffe fehlen, stellt ein Wort zur rechten Zeit sich ein" (When the concepts are missing, a word shows up). Clearly, a new word is no substitute for a new concept!
2. History of General History
After this bit of autobiographical introduction, I would like to discuss very briefly and in big historical jumps the "History of History" and the "History of History of Science."
History may be defined as a methodical reconstruction of the past of mankind. From Herodotos to Thucydides, from Livius to Tacitus, there was a gradually increasing sophistication leading away from the naive, purely narrative type of history. However, even with some sophistication, history was only an uncritical description of separated human events (like battles) and actions (by kings or other leaders).
General history, taking account of the dynamic forces emanating from the structure of a society, started only in the eighteenth century and actually developed only in the nineteenth century. Voltaire's "Siècle de Louis XIV" was, perhaps , the earliest general or cultural history. Gibbon, at least in some parts of his work, was another early bird. Sismondi, Thierry, and Michelet emphasized the role of communes and the rise of the "Third Estate" in medieval history. The British "Whig" historians, Hallam, Grote, and Macauley considered history as a successive unfolding of political liberty. Carlyle vainly tried to turn the clock back with his hero worship, as exemplified in his "History of the French Revolution."
Influenced by the philosophers, Comte and Spencer, Taine and Buckle were, perhaps, the first cultural historians. They emphasize social factors, ideas, and ideologies. Hegel and Marx catalyzed the dialectic materialism style of history, with all its excesses. However, they rightly emphasized that in an age of quickly changing social and industrial development in particular, and even more generally, the sociological and industrial factors played very important roles in all human endeavors. Lecky, following Buckle, emphasized (in his "History of the Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe" and in his "History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne") the "practical, active, and social sides of history, in contrast to the "intellectual and speculative" side, as exemplified by Leslie Stephens' "English Thought in the Eighteenth Century." Of course, all these aspects of history are complementary and should enter together into a really general history.

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Emini Trading - Quantum Mechanics and Trading Eminis

While "quantum mechanics" is not necessarily a household term, chances are that it is "emini futures" that you have never heard about, so let me explain the latter first.
Emini futures, or simply eminis, are smaller-sized contracts of "full-grown" futures contracts that have been around for a few decades already. Unlike their "bigger brothers" that have been traded on physical exchanges, eminis have always been traded electronically, solely via computer networks, thus allowing virtually everyone with access to the Internet to buy and sell those popular trading instruments from the comfort of their homes or home based offices. It's probably easy to guess that "e" in their name stands for "electronic."
Eminis are particularly popular among day traders, that is, the traders who never hold their positions overnight. This is so because day trading emini futures does not require you to have a large capital to risk, and thus even those with modest means can make money trading eminis.
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental physical theory, perhaps the most fundamental theory of modern physical science. It is also undoubtedly a very successful theory. Without it, even though you may not realize that, you would not be able to read this document. The heart of the computer that you are using to read it, the microprocessor, would not have been possible without advances in solid state physics and those advances would not have been possible without quantum mechanics. In fact, the modern computer is probably the best practical evidence that the foundations of quantum mechanics are very sound. But no physicist really doubts it these days.
Quantum mechanics came of age about 80 years ago after nearly 30 years of intense research in the microscopic realm. Already 80 years ago the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics was essentially known as well as it is now and only more or less relevant details have been added to it since then. It is this formalism that makes quantum mechanics so successful as without it, it would be impossible to explain or predict physical phenomena with sufficient accuracy not to mention to design things like transistors or microprocessors.
However, despite its tremendous practical success and fabulous technological applications, quantum mechanics has some serious problem. This problem is that quantum mechanics still does not have a satisfying interpretation that everyone would agree on. To put it in the words of Richard Feynman, a physics Nobel laureate, "I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." There is more than one interpretation of quantum mechanics, more than one way of interpreting what the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics tells us and how we should correctly understand it. Now, these abundance of interpretations (at least 3 seriously competing candidates) might have been a problem, had it not been for a very pragmatic approach of the majority of physicists which can be expressed simply as "shut up and calculate." Indeed, since quantum mechanics has been proven so widely successful, why bother with the subtler aspect of it, why bother with the details of what its formalism means when we can continue making practical advances by simply applying it.
Now, what does it have in common with trading? Actually a lot. It tells you that you don't need to know everything or be sure you do to be able to apply things successfully.
Maybe, all you really need to do, to paraphrase the description of the approach most physicsts adhere to when it comes to quantum mechanics, is "shut up and trade." And ultimately that may be more important than the most sophisticated of analyses that you can possibly come up with to figure out what the market is trying to do. You may never be able to do this with total certainty and perhaps even less so with total satisfaction, but as long as you trust your trading techniques, as long as you know that they work and are based on sound ideas, you simply need to keep trading and the good results are bound to follow.
It is important to trade frequently, preferably every day. You want to take as many trades as are possible and warranted by your strategies in order to practice and remain in good form, at least on a simulator. You don't need to take that many trades in your real account, but you will see that taking 10-15 trades per trading session without compromising the quality of your performance is absolutely feasible. The longer you trade during a day, the more comfortable you feel and the more likely you are to do better, so even if you started with a loser or two, don't give up as things are likely to improve as with time you will be getting into the zone.
The staying power that I am talking about here is also very important in gambling, where sometimes it can make you or break you. As in trading, where the optimal strategy will never be known due to the complexity of the markets, the optimal strategy in some complex card games, such as Texas Hold'em, is not known either and what a player uses is the best he could come up with. However, this is usually good enough provided he is able to withstand drawdowns, to stay long enough in the game to accumulate enough winning hands not only to offset any losing hands that have happened to him, but also to produce profits.

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An Introduction to the Process of Sputtering

Sputtering is a process which includes the emission of atoms, ions or molecular fragments from a solid material, bombarded with a beam of energetic particles (generally ions). Ions collide with the surface of the target, causing the emission of atoms and molecular fragments.
Practical Applications
Sputtering is a process which has several practical applications, typically in the industrial sector (manufacturing of semiconductors), and also in scientific research (solid-state physics, materials science etc.).
SIMS analysis
The sputtering process is also used as the basis of a technique known as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). It is a very sophisticated technique of chemical analysis of samples, widely used in industrial research.
The two main industrial applications of sputtering are as follows:
Cleaning spray - the gradual erosion of the target can be used to clean the surface of surface contaminants. Alternatively, with the use of appropriate masks placed over the target, the technique can be used to selectively erode some areas of interest.
Sputter Deposition - it is a process through which thin films are deposited in a material with the help of sputtering. This process can be used to cover artifacts in order to protect them. The method is also used in the manufacture of Integrated Circuits.
The deposition by sputtering falls in the collection of techniques grouped under the name of physical vapor deposition.
Sputtering techniques can be substantially divided into three categories:
Magnetron sputtering - this deposition system makes use of a passive device capable of generating a magnetic field. Generally for this purpose NdFeB magnets are inserted below the target. In this way the particles and the electrically charged ions that are subjected to the Lorentz force are diverted by the particular configuration of the field lines, and get more confined in the vicinity of the target, greatly increasing the yield of the process.
RF sputtering - it generally refers to a sputtering technique which is activated by a RF (Radio Frequency). This technique is used for the deposition of insulating materials as this technique allows dispersing the charge that gets accumulated inside the target. The variation of the electromagnetic field provides the energy needed to disperse the accumulated charge.
DC sputtering - it is a variant of the traditional sputtering in which a high DC voltage (Direct Current) is maintained between the target which is to be coated, and the material it is supposed to be coated with. This method allows coating thin metallic layers on substances which are made of highly sensitive surfaces.

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Planning to Buy a Digital Music Player?

In our time the MP3 players are available in various shapes and sizes. The salient features which these digital music players are composed of has made digital entertainment portable than before. This is great news for all music lovers because entertainment for them is now in their palm. But before buying a MP3 player, shoppers should keep in mind their own lifestyle and how they want to use it and in what way? For example, those who plan to listen to their music while traveling, walking or moving out will want one that is lightweight and uses flash memory technology. Music enthusiasts, who want more and more songs possible almost every day, should look for those MP3 players that possess the maximum storage capacities. Similarly, those who want to use their portable digital music player not only to listen to music but to have a look at videos and photos, need to purchase a player with high-resolution screen.
Music players from brands like Transcend have superb sound quality and support all file formats such as MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), OGG and even WMA-DRM10 protected music files. The equalizer effect of SRS WOW HD allows you to customize your taste and preference. The built-in speaker produces good and loud music, so that even without the headphones the hearing experience becomes memorable with your friends and family. The majority of the digital music players have excellent audio and video quality and bright and colorful 2.4-inch high-resolution screen. Now store all large files of videos, music and photos with built-in memory. You can also add microSD/ microSDHC cards for practically unlimited digital entertainment anytime and anywhere.
It is easy to carry these devices as it is sleek, compressed and small. It is small enough to be held in the palm and move around anywhere happily. In today's generation, you deserve to be entertained everywhere you go because you have with you portable devices like a stylish music player. For real entertainment go for only trusted brands which ensures a quality product from their end. Many online sites are available to lure you but make sure you buy only from trusted online stores which offer excellent quality product only. At Transcend online store you can also get latest models of USB hard drives, USB flash drives, computer peripherals like CD/DVD burners, digital photo frames, Solid State Disks, card readers and more.

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Apply An Audio Plugin To Produce A Website Music Player

Applying a website music player to some of your posts can be incredibly valuable for you. A website music player allows you to communicate with your users right from the moment they come into your page. You can introduce your personal touch, deliver any message or generate a special atmosphere via hearing as opposed to the viewing experience most people assume to find. The words, the melodies and the rhythm that you want to promote may supplement your written content, accessing the users' brains and hearts basically without being recognized.
An audio plugin allows you to exhibit spectacular presentations, guided by menus and playlists that produce eye-catching appearance, which captures the people and turns the site even more fascinating to observe.
One other helpful benefit of the audio plugin is the Search Engine Optimization value it provides. Search engines list the text connected to the audio player, including headline and description and a few of them even include distinct search sections for music and podcast, thanks to the high interest. Another factor that may give a boost to your search results is the audience responses in the shape of comments, conversations and return website visitors. There are a few companies that specialize in rich media products and services. Those businesses create designated software with which you can effortlessly create your very own widgets, like video galleries, podcast or a website music player. Those media platforms do most of the work automatically; they design the players' layout, make alterations, transcoding, manage hosting and delivery including all protection means and even documentation, assigning you with only a few uncomplicated tasks you need to do before you can savor the outcome of your audio plugin.
First of all you must either come up with or locate the media files, you would like to display on your webpages. You receive several customization options you need to set up to match your preference and demands and most essentially, you must download an eligible audio plugin or extension that relates the method, which your web-site is built upon, such as HTML or diverse CMS including Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Ning, TypePad and so on.
Downloading an audio plugin is a fast and easy work. You only should comply with the descriptive guidelines, and you are fixed; no special abilities are involved. Downloading an audio plugin is a one-time job that should not take more than a few moments. The biggest surprise involved in this process is that the audio plugin is generally a free solution, and some media platforms even provide their remaining product and services, including the website music player, with no fee at all.
Explore a number of media platforms to compare the services they provide, the prices and reliability, and start making your audio playlist.

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How To Download Music To a MP3 Player - Download a Free MP3 Music Player Now

In looking to download music to a MP3 player the process is relatively easy once you learn the basics. First, you'll need to have all your connecting cables or docks, software and the music you want to download in place.
As not all portable devices are created equally, you may need your manual to tell you where to begin. This is especially true if you're a total newbie to a particular media player or to MP3 players in general. However, most portable devices usually work in the same manner, so in order to download music to MP3 players you should follow the same, or at least similar, steps.
Hopefully your MP3 player can hook up to your computer using a USB connection; this would be the easiest way to download music to a MP3 player. Just transfer music files as you would other files and documents to a removable disk drive and copy and paste.
To have organized playlists here's a useful tip; before downloading music onto your MP3 player you can create the folders beforehand and just sequence the music into the folders while you're on your computer. This will save you valuable time in the long run because you'll be able to locate the songs you want to listen to very quickly.
The accompanying software is important because some computers will need them to recognize your MP3 player when you insert it as a USB drive. If you don't have the software - for example, you're using a different computer to download music or you were so excited to buy your MP3 player that you don't remember where you put your software CD - you can probably search for it online. Once your MP3 player is recognized, downloading music will be easy.
Creative Zen players work in this manner, but will ask the user to employ Creative Media Explorer to ease up the transfer of files from your computer to your MP3 player. Creative MediaSource Organizer, meanwhile, helps you organize your files on your computer before downloading the music onto your MP3 player. You can get these two devices by pressing the "Import Media" link.
iPod does it a bit differently but similar, of course, with iTunes, which is downloaded from the iPod website. iTunes is supposed to be the most popular method in managing your music files, but can also be a pain in the neck if you let it.
iTunes is your online music manager - it organizes all your music files in folders according to artist, album and other categories, lets you create and edit playlists, and even works as a music store by offering particular files for download. Next, you sync your iPod into your computer and all the music on iTunes automatically transfers into your iPod.
Interestingly, your computer reads your iPod as a removable disk drive connected through USB, which is exactly what it is, of course. If you find that you can't play particular songs on your MP3 player, it's most likely that it's DRM-protected. Digital Rights Management has a whole slew of limits and limited accesses, such as allowing certain files to play on iPods but not on Creative Zen players or RCA Lyras, and so on.
The simplest way around this is to download music only from the sites that are compatible with your portable device to ensure that you won't be wasting money buying downloadable music that you don't actually work on your MP3 player. More complicated methods could involve illegal activity, or breaking copy-right infringement laws, so tread carefully.

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